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Feed the Foodie: Saugerties Best Eateries

Nestled in the Northeast corner of Ulster County, a small town swarming with historical charm exists. Jimmy Fallon was born and raised here, The Band and Bob Dylan recorded The Basement Tapes here, and most notably Saugerties was the home of the 94’ Woodstock Festival. Today, Saugerties is known for its quaint upstate charm, tasty eateries, outdoor adventures and historical landmarks. Its serene location along the Hudson River makes it a desirable refuge for relaxation, exploration and simply living in the moment as you stroll through the historical village. We’ve compiled a list of...

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The 5 BEST Spots to View Hudson Valley Foliage

Fall in the Hudson Valley is one of the most treasured times of the year. The weather gets crisp, the aroma turns to a mix of apples, cinnamon and campfire, and most notably – the foliage showcases it’s vibrant colors. The Hudson Valley is simply a paradise for nature lovers, adventurers and those seeking a place to relax and enjoy the view. If you are planning to visit upstate New York, or already live here, these are places you will not want to miss. Get ready to cruise down the scenic highways and take in these leaf-peeping hotspots. Overlook Mountain –...

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The Points Guy: 12 Tips for Scoring the Perfect Airbnb

Do you guys follow The Points Guy? If you don’t, you need to! He’s our go-to guru on all things related to finding great deals on travel. And, you know, we’re all about great deals on travel! He’s put together 12 Tips for Scoring the Perfect Airbnb and we couldn’t agree with his advice more! We know that many of you only get a select few days of vacation to try and live your best life and, let’s be real, finding the best places to go, things to do and places to stay to make the most of those days can be….. stressful. Home Sweet Hudson really strives to make it easy to avoid missing out...

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