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A Dog Friendly Day in the Hudson Valley

If you’re planning a vacation to the Hudson Valley and have a furry friend, I’m sure the question “Are you dog friendly?” has crossed your mind! Being a short two hour drive from New York City, the Hudson Valley is the perfect getaway for city dwellers looking to exchange the hustle and bustle of city life for small town charm, winding back roads and epic pet-friendly adventures. Pack your bags and get ready to set your feet (and their paws) into some of our favorite pet-friendly things to do in the Hudson Valley! For the Views Walkway over the Hudson...

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Feed the Foodie: Saugerties Best Eateries

Nestled in the Northeast corner of Ulster County, a small town swarming with historical charm exists. Jimmy Fallon was born and raised here, The Band and Bob Dylan recorded The Basement Tapes here, and most notably Saugerties was the home of the 94’ Woodstock Festival. Today, Saugerties is known for its quaint upstate charm, tasty eateries, outdoor adventures and historical landmarks. Its serene location along the Hudson River makes it a desirable refuge for relaxation, exploration and simply living in the moment as you stroll through the historical village. We’ve compiled a list of...

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