The Town Board in Shandaken convened on Monday evening to discuss potential regulations on short term home rentals within the area. The meeting met with some push back from locals and Airbnb hosts, who voiced concerns about a lack of residential representation regarding said discussion.
According to the Daily Freeman, “Kerry Henderson, representing the Shandaken Home Sharing Association, called for the board to table a resolution that states the town will “enter into [an] Intermunicipal Agreement with Ulster County for the sharing of information regarding Short Term Rental Properties.”’
Thirty residents, include Home Sweet Home co-founder Ray Vargas, attended the meeting; hoping to better understand the concerns of the board and offer possible solutions.
The Daily Freeman shared: “Shandaken Supervisor Robert Stanley said the town only is in the process of gathering information about the matter to decide if regulations are needed. But Chichester resident Brian Powers said the town appears to have regulation on fast track. He said the questionnaire the committee is preparing to send out town-wide, now in draft form, is skewed to generate opposition to short-term rentals.”
Home Sweet Hudson plans to continue to follow the conversation, which has been tabled until the next board meeting. As a property management company located in the Hudson Valley, Home Sweet Hudson is in a unique position to help absentee landlords (who primarily live in NYC and beyond) as well as locals with less bandwidth, manage all of the aspects of renting their property that might be of concern to your local governing board. From trash removal to noise control, Home Sweet Hudson looks to provide solutions that allow everyone to enjoy the Hudson Valley area.